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(Raphanus sativus) 50 days. [Originating from Asia, daikon (pronounced “dye-con”) is the Japanese word for radish.] We obtained this from one of the best known farmers around, “Farmer John” in Starke, just down the road from us in Gainesville. Daikons often grows partially above ground, and can get massive. Excellent for pickling and fermenting! Farmer John has been growing and saving this daikon for a long time, but with his age and time limitations has not been able to continue full stewardship of the seed. We rescued a shed full of old pods and stalks a few years back, shelled them all, and planted out hundreds to make sure we saved them. They are vigorous and happy here! He’s been trying to select for purple roots, but it’s hard with an out-crossing crop to get that quickly and reliably so it’s a lovely mix of mostly whites but still lots of purples. Some have really striking purple colored leaves. This is still a work in progress, but we’re happy to carry it and share this local treasure with y’all. Aprox 100 seeds.
Good to start from seed in these months:
North Florida: January-March, September-December
Central Florida: January-March, September-December
South Florida: January, October-December