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    (Borago officinalis) 80 days. Borage is a bushy herb with bright blue edible flowers. The plant has been used to attract bumble bee pollinators to garden plots. The leaves can be used sparingly to add a cucumber-like flavor in salads, or for flavoring cool drinks. Plants fade in deep summer heat and humidity, but can be reseeded for late summer/early fall harvest. Medicinal: Seeds contain over 20% GLA (gamma-Linolenic acid) which is extracted and used commercially as an economical substitute for evening primrose oil. Pkt (1 g, 56 seeds) Annual. Germination: 70°F, light required, 10 days. Transplant or direct seed. Full sun. 24-36 in. tall.

    Good to start from seed in these months:

    North Florida: February-May, September-November 

    Central Florida: January-May, September-December

    South Florida: January-May, September-December