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Open Pollinated Heirloom Seeds That are Selected To Thrive Here in Florida & Other Sub Tropical Locals.

Printed with non toxic algae ink on 100% post consumer waste paper. The packaging is recyclable or compostable once the mailing sticker is removed.


Dwarf Shiny Coffee - Live Plant


Blazing Star (Graceful) - Live Plant


Beach Tea - Live Plant


Elderberry 3gal - Live Plant


Roundleaf Horoughwort - Live Plant


Burr Marigold - Live Plant


Wild Petunia- Live Plant


Water Pimpernel - Live Plant


Upright Indigo Berry 7g- Live Plant


Manyflower Beardtongue - Live Plant


Sneezeweed 3g- Live Plant


Sleepy Hibiscus 3g- Live Plant


Myrsine 15g- Live Plant


Button Rattlesnake Master 3g- Live Plant


Southern Frogfruit - Live Plant


Jamaican Caper 7g - Live Plant


Royal Palm 7g - Live Plant


Hibiscus, Poepisggs - Live Plant


Ironweed - Live Plant


Palmetto, Bluestem Dwarf - Live Plant


Small Fruited Varnishleaf 7gal - Live Plant


Scarlet Hibiscus 3 gal - Live Plant


Pineland Lantana 3g - Live Plant


Matchweed / Frogfruit flat - Live Plant


Calamintha 1 gallon- Live Plant


Buttonsage 3gal - Live Plant


Spider Lily - Live Plant


Spike Meadowrush - Live Plant


Small Fruited Varnishleaf 3g - Live Plant


Dwarf Salt Bush 7 gal- Live Plant
